Sunday, February 2, 2014

Power of integrative perception.

Power of integrative perception.  An article about promise & disappointment in genetics (because new discoveries were so limited) by      David Dobbs in Slate (Oct 27,2013). catalyzed thinking about resonating ideas in Art & Organism:  Tiny fragments (or figments) of information of slightly more credibility than whatever preceded them promise huge empires of understanding, building on our love of conspiracy theories.  ("we tell the best story we can with the best evidence we have.") Dobbs was impressed by conversation with a genetics post-doc at Cambridge over a few pints at the Eagle.  His Michelangelo’s David metaphor struck a responsive chord (of course confirmation bias always helps).   He had only seen photographs & felt that while some showed a tentative youthfulness in David others showed a transformative movement … His perceptions differed depending on very slight differences in perspective, like an optical illusion --  And being in the presence of the masterpiece provided yet another perspective:  both realities could be seen at one: “the flickering microsecond in which a youth becomes an adult.”  For me, this resonated deeply with a half-forgotten experience of mine: after years of seeing pictures, and being appropriately impressed and then bored, I went to Galleria dell ‘Accademia in Florence and saw David in reality. I felt I knew Michelangelo's work from dozens of comments and photographs encountered as an art major dutifully including Renaissance history in my studies, but seeing the real thing brought David to life in a twinkling – the various frozen views of “objective” photos came to life: the several perspectives converged in my mind. As I approached it, something new and far better emerged.  ...  Michelangelo’s Prisoners, "works in progress" arrayed on either side of the corridor leading to David were less familiar but conveyed a comparable epiphany as in each Prisoner I saw the artist and his medium as a single holistic entity-- as a process not an object.  I have ever since felt the latent potential in any medium when seen in the right frame of mind.     ref: